
Jess Forster

Holistic Health and Wellness Specialist
Founder of Empowered Health Education

As a Holistic Health and Wellness Specialist, I work as a 1-1 coach, published writer and public speaker. I started Empowered Health Education on the belief that everyone deserves to feel their best and that true health encompasses not only physical health but also mental and emotional wellness. I am passionate about helping others feel empowered, informed, and supported in their health and well-being journeys.My approach begins with an initial consultation and assessment to gain a clear understanding of where an individual currently stands in relation to their goals. From there, I work with them to develop a personalised plan that takes into account their unique needs and circumstances.This plan will include recommendations for nutrition, exercise, mindfulness, and other practices that promote overall wellness. Whether an individual is struggling with a specific health issue or simply looking to optimise their overall wellness, I believe that a comprehensive and individualised approach is key to achieving sustainable and long-lasting results that improve quality of life.I provide ongoing support through regular check-ins and talking sessions. The focus of these includes but is not limited to the practical implementation of health plans, tracking progress, celebrating victories, problem-solving obstacles and emotional support. Too many people feel they must suffer in silence through struggles that can be alleviated. I hope to provide the resources and support to thrive that everyone deserves.

Past Events

WeAreTech Festival

16th June 2023 - Hybrid conference
Etc Venues, Bishopsgate, London and online

I will be speaking on a health and wellbeing panel at 2.50pm:
"Managing your health and wellbeing, the on-going search for balance."

"WeAreTech Festival is dedicated to empowering women in technology. The festival brings together women from diverse backgrounds and experiences to share knowledge, inspire one another, and create new opportunities for growth and advancement in the tech industry.The festival will showcase a number of incredible keynote speakers who have made a significant impact in their industries. These amazing individuals will be sharing their personal experiences and strategies for success, giving attendees valuable insights into effective leadership practices. There will be interactive panels, discussion, and ample opportunities to network in our market place and via our speed networking and speed mentoring sessions throughout the day."


Yoga Teacher Training
Specialisations in yin yoga and mental health-focused yoga
Yoga anatomy
Anatomy and physiology
Mindfulness and meditation
Health coaching
Sports nutrition
Holistic health focused nutrition
Diet planning
Gut health and inflammation
Hormonal imbalances
Perimenopause and menopause well-being
Diversity and inclusion in women's wellness
Neuroplasticity and neuroscience for personal development
Cognitive Behavioural Therapy
Acceptance and Commitment Therapy
Rational Emotive Behaviour Therapy
Trauma-informed care

Free Initial Consultation

The free 15-minute initial consultation is a chance for you to discuss your health and wellness goals with me. During this call, I will listen and ask questions to gain a better understanding of your current health status and what you hope to achieve. This consultation is an opportunity for you to learn more about my approach and how I can support you in reaching your goals.

Assessment and Bespoke Health Plan

The assessment call is designed to evaluate your current health and lifestyle in more detail and to help you identify what steps can be taken to help you achieve your wellness goals. During this call, I will gather information about your medical history, eating habits, physical activity, stress levels, and any other factors that may be impacting your health and well-being.

Using this information, I will design a bespoke holistic plan that takes into account your unique needs and circumstances. This plan may include recommendations for nutrition, exercise, mental health management, mindfulness, and other practices that promote overall wellness in your life.

Following the assessment and receiving your plan, you will have a clear understanding of where you stand in relation to your goals, and you will have a road-map for moving forward towards optimal health and wellness. My goal is to help you achieve sustainable and long-lasting results that improve your quality of life and overall well-being.

Support Session Call

1-to-1 support sessions are an important part of a comprehensive approach to health and wellness. These sessions are designed to provide accountability, encouragement, and focus for individuals as they work towards their goals. The sessions are conducted in a safe and non-judgemental environment, where you can comfortably discuss your progress and any challenges you may be facing.

During the sessions, you will have the opportunity to discuss your mental and emotional health, as well as any physical health concerns you may have. These talking sessions provide a space to celebrate your victories, discuss any obstacles that may be hindering progress and work together towards finding solutions. They are also an opportunity to answer questions and provide further guidance on any recommendations made in the initial assessment. This may include adjusting your plan to make it more optimal and sustainable for your current lifestyle and needs.

The ultimate goal of these sessions is to provide ongoing support and guidance, as well as to help you stay motivated and focused on your health and wellness goals for continued growth and progress.


"Jess is extremely passionate and caring about what she does, she has completely changed my perspective on how I look after my health. She really took the time to understand me and the commitments I have to juggle in my life instead of spouting the same advice that you hear all the time about what you should or shouldn't be doing.

Her plan was so detailed and personal to my needs, plenty of changes I could actually fit into my schedule and keep up with! I love my calls with her because she is always present and nurturing, while still keeping me on track and motivated.

Jess has a crazy amount of knowledge in so many areas and every time I run into difficulty she's there to save the day. I thought I would be overwhelmed with everything we talked about working on but she always breaks it all down into such easy, understandable steps and is happy to explain and go over every single question that I have (which is a lot!).

I never thought I had the time to make any meaningful changes for my health but she made it manageable and enjoyable instead of a chore. Instead of adding this to the list of times I've tried and failed to build a healthy lifestyle, now it feels like I'm always celebrating the milestones and it's wonderful to have someone as invested in my growth as I am to celebrate with.

Empowered is an understatement, Jess is a superwoman that helped me feel like one too."

- Chloe, 37, Head of Sales

"I've loved (and benefited) from working with Jessica for a number of reasons. First she took me where I was, not where I should be. She made me feel comfortable with my low starting point, physically, mentally and emotionally and helped me find goals related to how I could feel, not how I could look or how I should be and she helped me see how I could make my way towards these goals in small achievable steps.

Secondly, she was genuinely holistic--I loved how she connected the dots of myself, my menopausal state, burnout from work, recent blood tests, what I knew from past therapy and what I suspected from experience. She brought her knowledge of the science of nutrition and physical and mental health, with her experience of mindfulness and yoga, and blended that to give me practical steps forward that addressed the whole of me.

Finally, I love how she understood my crazy busy life, my impatience with complicated plans and tendency to put my health and well-being at the bottom of long to do lists. She tailored the plans to fit in and around my life and had so many tips on how to keep moving forward. There's still a long way to go, but I can already feel the difference from working with Jessica. Highly recommended."

- Deborah, 57, CEO

"Jess is just an absolute gem to work with. I have had gut health issues for, basically, my entire life. I had reached out to her because I just couldn’t tolerate being in pain anymore and looking 7 months pregnant ALL THE TIME.

I was exhausted from going to “normal” doctors who prescribed me pills to ease the symptoms (that would quickly return when the pills wore off), or searching Google for answers which made my head explode. I was tired of getting bullshit or complex answers and feeling stuck and lost inside my own body.

Jess REALLY listened to what my issues were, researched them fully, and created a plan that worked for me and my lifestyle. I noticed within a few days of eating the meals she had (full on) mapped out for me, my stomach changed significantly. I sent her a photo of my flat belly, saying ‘NO MORE BLOAT BABY!’ and I felt and looked healthy, strong, and (quite frankly) SEXY!

Jess comes backed with such an abundance of knowledge through her endless and ongoing studies, and her kindness is on a level that I rarely get when working with other coaches. Jess will forever be my go-to for all things nutrition, fitness and women’s health.I adore her and her dedication to the work she provides to women in this world."

- Taylor, 33, Freelancer

"Working with Jess has been inspiring and beneficial on levels I would have never imagined. Jess has helped me re-navigate my life by finding new, individualized approaches to ameliorate my health and overall wellbeing.

She goes above and beyond to find realistic and helpful methods that best apply her holistic wellness approach to my needs. From personalized plans, to working around my busy schedule, Jess has made it her mission to make sure that I am getting the most out of our work together.

Through her loving, supportive and holistic approach, Jess has been able to find solutions that have helped me in several areas of my life. I am excited to keep working with, and continue to be inspired by Jess. I cannot recommend her enough."

- Melanie, 24, Therapist

Free Resources

Energy Boosting Grocery List

Are you always reaching for your coffee and sugary snacks to get you through the day? Tired of always feeling drained and sluggish when that afternoon energy slumps hits?

Use this grocery list to stock up on all of the best sources of sustainable energy to have you feeling fuelled up, energised and ready for anything.

Gut Health Grocery List

Are you constantly suffering from bloating and digestive issues?

Wish you could have a healthy gut but not got the time for endless research on prebiotics, probiotics, anti-inflammatories, antioxidants, fibre, and gut microbiomes?

Skip the hassle and download this convenient, ready-to-go shopping list for all the best gut-health foods.

Hormone Balancing Grocery List

Are you constantly dealing with mood swings, fatigue, brain fog, cramps, trouble sleeping, stomach issues and anxiety? Want to pack your meals full of hormone friendly nutrition, but don't know where to start?

Skip the time-consuming research and enjoy this free grocery list of everything you need for a hormone balancing diet.

10 Wellness Steps For People Who Don’t Have Time For 10 Wellness Steps

Struggling to juggle your business and your health?

Here are 10 quick tips you can action today, including:
- The one vitamin that trumps them all - for your mood, immunity, and heart health
- The simple blue light trick for better sleep and more energised mornings
- The 2-minute journaling hack for daily clarity

No fluff, just quick, actionable steps you can take - even when your to-do list is overflowing.

10 Wellness Steps For People Who Don’t Have Time For 10 Wellness Steps

Struggling to juggle your business and your health?

Here are 10 quick tips you can action today, including:
- The one vitamin that trumps them all - for your mood, immunity, and heart health
- The simple blue light trick for better sleep and more energised mornings
- The 2-minute journaling hack for daily clarity

No fluff, just quick, actionable steps you can take - even when your to-do list is overflowing.

Gut Health Grocery List

Are you constantly suffering from bloating and digestive issues?

Wish you could have a healthy gut but not got the time for endless research on prebiotics, probiotics, anti-inflammatories, antioxidants, fibre, and gut microbiomes?

Skip the hassle and download this convenient, ready-to-go shopping list for all the best gut-health foods.

Hormone Balancing Grocery List

Are you constantly dealing with mood swings, fatigue, brain fog, cramps, trouble sleeping, stomach issues and anxiety? Want to pack your meals full of hormone friendly nutrition, but don't know where to start?

Skip the time-consuming research and enjoy this free grocery list of everything you need for a hormone balancing diet.

Energy Boosting Grocery List

Are you always reaching for your coffee and sugary snacks to get you through the day? Tired of always feeling drained and sluggish when that afternoon energy slumps hits?

Use this grocery list to stock up on all of the best sources of sustainable energy to have you feeling fuelled up, energised and ready for anything.


Dopamine Hacks For
Better Motivation

Beyond sleep:
The 7 types of rest you need

Emotional Regulation For
Stressful Situations

Dealing with Burnout:
How to Recognise and Recover

Sleep And Circadian Rhythms:
Tips For Getting Better Rest

Nutrition For Hormonal Health
During Menopause

How To Incorporate Movement
Into Your Daily Routine

Finding The Right
Meditation For You
